Wollondilly Public School, a comprehensive public primary school in Goulburn, is a proud member of the public school system and enjoys an excellent reputation.
The school strives to provide outstanding educational opportunities for all members of its student body. Wollondilly P.S. has an inclusive philosophy. Our school is committed to providing students with a full range of learning experiences that allows all talents and aptitudes the chance to develop. This commitment is given to all students in our school. This approach has seen the school become well known for the opportunities, both co-curricula and extra curricula, it provides for its students.
The team work and professionalism of the teaching staff is well known in the community and is quoted as a significant factor when parents choose Wollondilly instead of local private schools. The co-operative nature of the interaction between students, staff and parents is highly valued by the Wollondilly school community. An open and collaborative ethos permeates the school.