Wollondilly Public School

Safe Respectful Responsible

Telephone02 4821 4496


P and C

Wollondilly Public School P&C meets at 5:30pm in the school staffroom on the first Wednesday of every month during the school term. 

New members are always welcome! Please come along and be involved in your child’s school.

The P&C meetings provide an opportunity for parents and carers to meet and discuss school matters and organise fundraising activities.  The Principal attends each of the P&C meetings and reports on what is happening within the school.

P&C Contact details- 


Follow us on Facebook at Wollondilly Public School P&C Association to keep up to date with what is happening with the P&C and Wollon-Deli (the school canteen). 

Committee Members 2025

President - Brian Ings

Vice Presidents - Talia Kent & Jenny Hewitt 

Secretary - Meg Southwell 

Treasurer - Elizabeth Wheeldon